
Wat is Acht Waarden?

AchtWaarden is een politieke test dat probeert percentages toe te wijzen aan acht verschillende politieke waarden. Jij krijgt een stelling te zien. Deze kun je volgens jouw eigen standpunten beantwoorden. Met de keuzes tussen Sterke Instemming en Zeer oneens veranderd ieder antwoord de score een beetje. Aan het einde van de test worden de antwoorden vergeleken met de maximale mogelijkheden per waarde, wat resulteert in een percentage. Antwoord eerlijk!

Er zijn vragen.

Wat zijn de Acht Waarden?

There are four independent axes - Economic, Diplomatic, State, and Society - and each has two opposing values assigned to them. They are:

Equality (Economic)
Those with higher Equality scores believe the economy should distribute value evenly among the populace. They tend to support progressive tax codes, social programs, and at high values, socialism.

Markets (Economic)
Those with higher Market scores believe the economy should be focused on rapid growth. They tend to support lower taxes, privatization, deregulation, and at high values, laissez-faire capitalism.

Nation (Diplomatic)
Those with higher Nation scores are patriotic and nationalist. They often believe in an aggressive foreign policy, valuing the military, strength, sovereignty, and at high values, territorial expansion.

Globe (Diplomatic)
Those with higher Globe scores are cosmopolitan and globalist. They often believe in a peaceful foreign policy, emphasizing diplomacy, cooperation, integration, and at high values, a world government.

Liberty (State)
Those with higher Liberty scores believe in strong civil liberties. They tend to support democracy and oppose state intervention in personal lives. Note that this refers to civil liberties, not economic liberties.

Authority (State)
Those with higher Authority scores believe in strong state power. They tend to support state intervention in personal lives, government surveillance, and at high values, censorship or autocracy.

Tradition (Society)
Those with higher Tradition scores believe in traditional values and strict adherence to a moral code. Though not always, they are usually religious, and support the status quo or the status quo ante.

Progress (Society)
Those with higher Progress scores believe in social change and rationality. Though not always, they are usually secular or atheist, and support environmental action and scientific or technological research.

What's the "Closest Match" mean at the bottom of the results?

In addition to matching you to the eight values, the quiz also attempts to match you to a political ideology. This is a work in progress and is much less accurate than the values and axes, so don't take it too seriously. If you disagree with your assigned ideology, send us an email at with your scores, matched ideology, and preferred ideology, and we'll look into adjusting the system. Thanks!

I don't like my scores!

If you have any suggestions or constructive criticism, feel free to send it to or open an issue on the GitHub page here: GitHub Page